Becoming a pilot is not just about learning to control a machine – it is about undergoing a transformation that touches every aspect of life. Every day of training means new experiences, new skills and new challenges. Adrenaline, freedom, satisfaction and an incredible experience – piloting a helicopter is a unique experience that is hard to describe in words.

Familiarisation flight – the first step to your aviation adventure.

First and foremost, you should consider whether flying a helicopter is really something for you and whether you enjoy flying. The familiarisation flight will certainly help you make the right decision. Your instructor will introduce you to basic manoeuvres such as flying in a straight line, changing altitude and turning. After a familiarisation flight, you can make a more informed decision about starting your training.

What does a PPL(H) training course look like?

The PPL ( Private Pilot Licence) is the first and, in addition, the most important licence you will ever obtain. It will allow you to carry out independent non-commercial flights in helicopters and entitles you to take passengers on board. It is also the basis for starting training for the CPL(H) commercial pilot licence. The theoretical training is delivered in the form of lectures, which cover topics such as aviation law, navigation, meteorology, helicopter construction or principles of flight. As far as practical training is concerned, the minimum number of hours covered is 45 flight hours. During the course, you will make your first solo flight in a helicopter under the supervision of an instructor, which for most trainees is an unusual and unique experience that will be remembered forever. The training takes place on a Robinson R44 helicopter. This is the most commonly used, easy to operate and best suited for training purposes helicopter.

What are the examinations like?

Theoretical exams take place at Civil Aviation Office (ULC) during a computer-based examination session. The computer-based session usually lasts for 9 days per month. The current session schedule can be found on the ULC website and on the LKE notice board. All questions have four answers a b c d, of which only one is correct. You must answer at least 75% of the questions asked correctly. The best site for studying is, where you can find sample questions and answers that you will encounter on your CAA exam. Of course, it is also worth spending time learning from the materials provided by our instructors during the training and deepening our knowledge with additional specialized literature such as the Helicopter Flying Handbook, Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. The practical exam takes place in the helicopter on which you completed your training. It is a flight with a Civil Aviation Authority examiner, consisting of exercises performed during the training.

A helicopter pilot course is an investment in yourself.

With flight training, you will not only discover the ins and outs of piloting, but also develop skills such as precision, divided attention and stress management – crucial not only in the cockpit. Training is an investment in yourself that goes beyond the airport. It requires discipline, focus and commitment, but the satisfaction of your first solo flight is indescribable!!! It’s not just training – it’s an adventure of a lifetime that empowers, teaches and inspires.

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